Live Talk: Re-Sensitize Your Body & Become a better Lover
In this Live Talk I touched upon the following topics:
1. What the body really is and why we should have sensitivity in it
2. Why sensitivity of the body is really important for you as a lover
3. How people lose their sensitivity of the body
4. How one can regain sensitivity of the body
5. What lovemaking looks like when such sensitivity is regained
What the body really is and why we should have sensitivity in it?
Of course, body for most people is just a physical phenomena. However, if you think about it a bit more and you go a bit deeper, beyond, the body is actually our playground, where we experience everything in our life both from within and from without. Say for example when you fall in love with someone. They might be outside of yourself, but you still fall in love within your own chest, within your own heart, experiencing falling in love within your very own body. The person might be outside, but the experience is felt within you. When you look at it like that, the body is actually much much more. Through the body we are experiencing feelings, emotions, thoughts, any and all kinds of energies, really. Because all of those mentioned - thoughts, emotions, feelings - they are nothing but different energies with different qualities, some more subtle than others, but still, just energies.
Body is therefore a sort of a chamber for energies to be received and emitted from. It is in fact a resonance chamber of a unique kind.
So why is it important to have the sensitivity in our bodies? Because that allows us to tap into receiving and emitting a wider range of energy frequencies and experiences through that. If you are locked for love, and your heart is closed, you can never feel love within your own body. If you don’t have the sensitivity in your throat you will never be able to really self-express yourself. If you lack the sensitivity in part of your body connected to genitals, you will never be able to experience full orgasmic potential the body has to offer. And lastly, if you lack deeper sensitivity in the body, you won’t be able to truly experience spirituality.
““The body is a beautiful vehicle – very mysterious, very complex. Use it, do not fight with it. Help it. The moment you go against it you are going against yourself. It is as if a man wants to reach somewhere, but he fights with his own legs and cuts them. Tantra says, know the body and know the secrets of it. Know the energies of it and know how those energies can be transformed – how they can be moved and turned into different dimensions. ”
Why sensitivity of the body is really important for you as a lover
Because the sensitivity of your body determines how far you can bring your partner in their orgasmic and ecstatic experience. Only when you in yourself have unlocked resonance with certain energies and have purified and energised parts of the body, can you invoke the same within your partner. What this practically means is that if you want to create an orgasm in the area of the neck for your woman, you need to first experience having a lot of energy in your neck yourself. As I said, the body is a resonance chamber. If your resonance chamber is open and it allows different frequencies of energy to flow through, then you can access them during lovemaking too and you can induce them in your partners body, which then resonates with you. But if you are not able to tap into certain frequencies of the energy in your own body, then you will not be able to induce the corresponding energy effects in your partner.
How people lose their sensitivity of the body
Emotional trauma - Experiencing an overload of energies at a certain point in ones life. This can either be stressful situations at home (parents), in school (bullying), or other tough situations. Some people respond well to those situations, while others cannot handle the excess energies in their bodies. This is specially prominent with the children. As a consequence, a reflex develops which shuts down a part of the body connected to those excessive emotions and energies.
Ego – From Tantric standpoint, the ego is connected to Manipura Chakra. What we observed, is that most men have a huge blockage around that area of the body. This means that the energy gets stuck at that area through conscious and subconscious contraction of the corresponding muscles. Most men do that to prevent the flow of emotions from emotional centre of the body to their hearts - they protect their hearts.
Masturbation and Pornography - By watching pornography and masturbating, the men train their minds to direct the energy only to one part of the body. Through that they only energise a very limited amount of the body and de-sensitize the rest of the being.
Culture – “Men shouldn’t cry” is a common thing in our culture. One thing is a man who has surpassed and transformed his emotions into higher spiritual fuel. Another thing is subconscious or conscious repression of emotions in order to appear manly on the outside. The first is a spiritually developed man, the second is a pathological condition. Men should learn how to accept and release their emotions, process them in a harmonious way and later utilise them for their spiritual development.
How one can regain sensitivity of the body
There are numerous ways in which one can heal and restore the sensitivity of the bodies.
One very obvious way is to work with a partner who is on a spiritual path, especially such which involves working with the energy. When one partner is evolving themselves in such a way, that inevitably helps changing the resonance for the other partner too. If a person is not lucky enough to have found such a partner, they can try healing with a therapist. One such option is a Tantra Massage Therapist, who, by using different pressure points - ‘Marmas’, as well as skilfully utilising the secret knowledge of the energy flow, facilitates the process of energetically opening the body of the recipient.
Other options of healing that we would recommend involve modalities like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and others.
However, what we can offer, and what really is the best way to re-sensitize the body is to learn, utilise and practice TANTRA YOGA. Tantra Yoga is by far the most potent version of yoga, because it works with the energy and it recognises the body as a container of energy. It therefore uses the body and looks at the body not just from the standpoint of muscles, physically, but actually makes this important shift and starts using the body to amplify the different energies in our being, and through that big changes, transformations and healing happen.
If you think about it – what is really an asana (Asana - Yogic Physical Posture)? Asana is nothing else but a sacred geometry, where you put the body in a specific position and through that it starts creating specific energy flow, and resonance within the being. It is nothing else. For example, if you want to develop your Manipura Chakra (connected with things like willpower, courage, determination, charisma), you need to put your body in such position that it will enhance the flow of energies to that area. Then your mind will slowly get used to recognize how it feels to have energy at that part of the body and through that massive change will happen both in the mind and in the body.
And when you do enough practice, suddenly the mind starts recognising different energies, different chakras, etc., and soon you no longer need to stand in an asana, because now you have a strong mind and you can just tune into a chakra and bam, your energy goes there. Solved.
Now, even if you are in the middle of lovemaking, you can pull your energies into a specific chakra and the whole experience becomes incredible and unique.
“There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.
There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.
You feel it, don’t you?”
What lovemaking looks like when body sensitivity is regained
Expansive - Instead of congesting the energy at the level of the genitals and getting stuck in the primal and explosive kind of lovemaking, you can instead skilfully bring the energies to different parts of the body and through that experience something much deeper and global in your being.
Noisy - Yes. Pleasure and energy awareness correspond proportionally with sound levels and noise.
Orgasmic - Whole body orgasmic! And with (almost) no time limits to it!
Jedi effects - You can check our other videos or listen to Live Talk at the top of the page to learn more about the Jedi stuff. It is real though!
Sublime - Imagine a lovemaking that doesn’t leave you depleted or tired, or even relieved. On the contrary, it makes you feel light, bright, full of joy, vitality, vigour and enthusiasm. That’s what happens when the energy gets to flow through the body.
Happy - Need I say more? Happiness is the ultimate goal of all human beings. And such a lovemaking leaves you feeling just that - happy.