Developing the mind with guided meditation for holistic healing
Guided Music Meditation for developing the higher Chakras
Have you ever thought about developing your mind?
Many people are excited about improving their bodies, but only few are interested in truly working with their minds.
Why is so?
The reason for this discrepancy lies in the fact that the mind is very restless and therefore much harder to control and develop.
If working with the mind would be so easy, we would have mind gyms and everyone would do it. Unfortunately that is not the case.
That mind is very difficult to control is a known fact in spiritual circles, especially in Tantra Yoga.
This is why the Yogis have developed different techniques of concentration and meditation to help spiritual aspirants evolve their minds.
What truly makes a person spiritual is therefore the capacity to sit in stillness and have a disciplined mind, able to focus it to a specific frequency, which then opens the portal in their own being to explore different dimensions.
However, the problem is for many modern people there are so many distractions both inside and outside of our beings, that it is impossible to truly concentrate, let alone meditate.
It is for this reason we have created a guided meditation, to assist people with calming, centring and concentrating their minds, as well as achieving a state of relaxation and holistic healing.
Developing the mind with guided meditation still requires some concentration, however it is one of the easier forms of meditation and is appropriate for beginners and advanced students alike.
The process of guided meditation starts by being in a calm and relaxed state of mind.
To achieve that, the teacher will begin by instructing us to relax specific muscles in the body to reach the optimum comfort level and a state of deep relaxation of the being.
Once the body is relaxed, the energy in our being will flow with greater ease and the mind will become more pliable and easier to work with. When the physical body is deeply relaxed, a part of mind which is normally occupied with distractions, becomes available to be diverted to explore more subtle parts of our being, such as emotions, energies and thoughts.
It is then, the teacher will help guide us through a specific process by creating mental pictures and visuals that would lead our minds to experience deeper states of awareness and lead to holistic healing.
Guided meditation can have various results for different people. For some people, it is easy to tune into subtle layers of their being in matter of a few minutes, whereas for others, the process needs to take a bit longer.
When correctly applied, guided meditation will achieve holistic healing that includes physical, emotional and psychological benefits as well as provide spiritual insights.
Developing the Mind with Guided Yoga: Importance
Over the course of our lives, our bodies and minds slowly start to accumulate different toxins and impurities which affect the quality of our life and our health. Most people do know some ways to heal and recharge the body, but only few really give any attention to the mind.
However, for achieving holistic healing, one needs to address the whole of the being. Not just the body, but the mind too.
You see, according to Ayurvedic and Tibetan medicine any kind of disease or imbalance can actually be traced back to the level of thoughts. A disease starts as something very subtle, like a seed of thoughts, that manifests first in our subconscious. And after a while it percolates into our reality either through different wrong actions or by affecting and altering our homeostasis and physiology.
Nowadays a term track & trace is very popular. Everyone wants to track & trace people, but what we should be really tracking and tracing is our thoughts, our subconsciousness, our ingrained patterns of being. We should be tracking negative thoughts, tracing them down to the their core seeds, and then we should eliminate and burn those seeds through meditation. Wow! Through such a meticulous practice we can really change ourselves.
And this is the true healing and transformative potential of yoga and guided meditation. When you change your thoughts, your subconsciousness, you change the way you are. You change the way your energy flows through you, the way your organs work, the way your emotions are expressed, the way you go about daily tasks. You change your life!
Guided meditation is therefore both the first step into working with our minds, as well as a wonderful way to achieve holistic healing. When the mind is truly relaxed, holistic healing through guided meditation becomes possible.
Benefits of Guided Meditation
Everybody’s reason to seek holistic healing in their lives is different. Some search for different ways of being, others want to heal their relationships, others are in need of healing an imbalance or disease, etc.
According to this Mayo Clinic article, guided meditation has the following effects:
Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations.
Building skills to manage your stress.
Increasing self-awareness.
Focusing on the present.
Reducing negative emotions.
Increasing imagination and creativity.
Increasing patience and tolerance.
Additionally, from a Tantric energy perspective, guided meditation helps the healing power of our inner energy to enhance our psychological and physiological resilience. By focusing on different chakras we are bringing more energy to them and through that we evolve the awareness of our energetic being.
Truth is, everyone will experience some form of blockage or trauma at some point of time in their lives. The trauma can be physical, emotional, or psychological, and the reason is different for every person. Trauma can happen from recurring habits, agonising life experiences, or a painful event that haunts us from the past.
Ultimately, guided meditation is both a way to begin meditating as well as a holistic healing process which can remove our blockages. A skilled yoga teacher can help us relieve anxiety, depression and even physical imbalances through well-thought and carefully orchestrated sessions.
We have observed that regular meditation, together with Tantra healing and Tantric massage provides incredible system for spiritual, physical and emotional well-being. With Tantric massage and tantra healing we can clean and open up our vital energy pathways for the energy to flow through, which can then be further explored through guided meditation.
The guided meditation sessions comprise instructions to assist individuals in releasing stress and achieving psychological precision to heal internally and to live life to its full potential.
Author: Mel Harris, Founder of the Alchemy of Living & Tantra Yoga Teacher